Discover the most popular sensors in our store, loved by our customers. If the desired sensor is not listed, feel free to contact us, and we'll be happy to assist you in finding the perfect sensor for your application. 

Milesight AM300 Series
A compact indoor environment monitoring sensor for measuring temperature, humidity, light, and CO2 concentration.
265,00 € 265.0 EUR
Milesight EM320-TH
Compact and powerful LoRaWAN® temperature & humidity sensor.
59,00 € 59.0 EUR
Milesight EM300-MCS
Magnetic contact + temperature & humidity sensor (3-in-1)
69,00 € 69.0 EUR
Milesight WS301
Magnetic door/window contact
47,00 € 47.0 EUR
Milesight WS302
A sound sensor with an integrated microphone
63,00 € 63.0 EUR
Dragino LDDS-20
LoRaWAN® Ultrasonic liquid level sensor
79,00 € 79.0 EUR
Milesight EM310-TILT-868M
Tilt sensor for angle measurement and asset movement detection.
89,00 € 89.0 EUR
Milesight WS523 - Smart Plug
Smart plug for monitoring and controlling electrical devices.
76,00 € 76.0 EUR
Sensative strip presence
Ultra-thin LoRaWAN® sensor for desk occupancy detection.
64,00 € 64.0 EUR
Netvox R718N37 3-phase current sensor
A 3-phase current sensor available with various ampere clamps.
169,00 € 169.0 EUR
Digital Matter - Hawk 4G
A robust plug-and-play IoT data logger and sensor hub.
165,00 € 165.0 EUR
Milesight EM310-UDL
Ultrasonic distance and/or fill level sensor.
99,00 € 99.0 EUR
Milesight AM103
The AM103 is a compact CO2, temperature, and humidity sensor with an E-ink display
184,00 € 184.0 EUR
Dragino LDS03A
Powerful door Sensor for Both indoor and outdoor use
59,00 € 59.0 EUR
Dragino LDS02
Door sensor including daily counting.
20,00 € 20.0 EUR
Milesight WT101
Smart Radiator Thermostat
89,00 € 89.0 EUR
Milesight EM300 - xLD Series
Water leakage detection sensor.
78,00 € 78.0 EUR
Milesight CT101
Wireless energy meter
84,00 € 84.0 EUR
ELA BLE Beacon
ELA blue puck series | BLE Beacons | Tracking tags | RHT | Door sensors
25,00 € 25.0 EUR
Milesight WS303
Mini water leak detection sensor that detects the presence of leaks and raises alarms locally and remotely.
54,00 € 54.0 EUR